interview : Siavash Amini

For the second in our ongoing series of artist interviews, we catch up with Siavish Amini, a composer of avant-classical influenced electronic music with releases on labels like Room40Hallow GroundOpal Tapes and Umor Rex. Often borrowing from ambient and drone aesthetics, SA surpasses the constraints of such genres via a rigour focus on strict compositional methodologies – a fact borne out in the extremely deliberate, all-encompassing nature of his compositions. MEANS caught up with Slavish to find out what makes him tick.

Something you are proud of….

My relationship with my partner. 

Something you live by….

Being friendly and helpful should come first at any musical relationship or even short encounter. 

equally important is taking life a day at a time.

Something you’re good at….

I think I’m good at understanding how musical/sonic elements relate to moods. Also  not that bad at understanding synthesis techniques.

Something that helps…

knowing that everyone whose art means something to me have been insecure about what they’re doing – didn’t have financial success. 

Something that makes you laugh…

pandas, I mean look at them!!

Something you’ve recently discovered….

That no matter how hard I fight to distance myself from the cultures of where I’m born, they find a way back to haunt me.

Something you’ll never understand…

the absolute. also how music promo actually works.

Something you would change….

the way the means of production is owned 😉

Something you regret…

being an alcoholic and the person I became when I drank too much.

Something with sharing….

sharing things and experiences with people ( with just one or many) is the most rewarding thing in this very short meaningless life. 

Something worth keeping….

All my books and cds.

Something that would make the world a better place….

redistribution of wealth. 

Something they’ll say when your gone…


Massive thanks to Slavish Amini for agreeing to be interviewed. Show you care by picking up Siavash’s latest album, here.

You can also follow them on that there twittter, should that be your thing.

Daniel Alexander Hignell-Tully.