Fingerless : No Words Can Reach It

For me its often the visual element that initial draws the eye, and this track by Fingerless was no exception. The cover for this single from the Brisbane based neo-psychedelic, acid-folk, electronica band immediately grabs the attention with its bright dirty yellow cover with what can only be described from my own imagination and fond youthful memories as what holds a striking resemblance to Wurzel Gummidge aka Jon Pertwee. I am sure this cant be the bands intention here but it caught my eye to give this track a listen.

This track is the first single from what will be the bands sixth album which has a working title of “And the Forest of Signs” which has been described as an experimental soundscape was recorded at Marc Cheeseman’s home studio experimenting with video game soundtracks to give the track its quirky atmospheric feel.

Delightfully distorted guitar sounds open the track and what feels like an intentional almost maxed out recording level, I am sure those monitors where in the orange and red zone for most of the recording session.

Soft, smooth velvety vocals compliment the beautiful harshness of the distortion from the keyboards and synths. The vocal feel like they have dropped a BPM or two which works perfectly with the sonic soundscape of experimental electronica, its only as the track progresses and you are halfway in that the beats drop in BPM and the vocal pairs up perfectly, an intelligent arrangement that works really well.

You feel like you have been strapped into a wind tunnel as this slowed down hypnotic slab of mish mashed psychedelic sounds delivers you a sucker punch right between the eyes.

The ending of this track is absolutely stunning with its “The Beatles- Tomorrow Never Knows” vibes to it, I think I listened to that ending about 10 times in a row now.

No Words Can Reach It [Single] | Fingerless (

Michael Conboy