interview : Solar Eyes

For the first in our ongoing series of artist interviews, we catch up with Solar Eyes, a Birmingham-based duo comprised of Sebastian Maynard Francis and Glenn Smyth. Signed to Fierce Panda Records, their music has found an unusual home on Match of the Day. Offering a hazy, summer-filled blend of indie-rock and unashamedly catchy hooks, the band have recently released their debut self-titled album. MEANS caught up with them to find out what makes them tick.

Something you are proud of….

I’m proud of our record ya know, like genuinely. I know it sounds a bit trite to say but I am. We gave it our all and It sounds mint. It’s there for eternity. 

Something you live by….

I guess I have three values – Integrity, creativity and respect. So I live by those values. If they aren’t being met – I’m a nightmare and have a bad temper. It was horrendous when I was a kid, cos I never understood. 

Something you’re good at….

I’ve been good at a few things in my life, I was a good footballer as a kid and a good songwriter as an adult. But I think it’s because I have OCD and literally obsess over something until I get good at It. But the music is the gift that keeps giving, like a computer game where there’s no end boss. 

Something that helps…

Exercise – I love boxing and running, train daily and need it. Keeps the mind nice and clear too. I wish I’d done the running earlier, because as soon as I found that. I’ve flown.

Something that makes you laugh…

‘The Thick of it’ – each year I will go through it without fail. I think it’s true too, I saw Alastair Campbell say – that he was worse than Malcolm Tucker. Which is brilliant/mental. But yep – superb show. 

Something you’ve recently discovered….

‘Bald and Bankrupt’, I think I look a bit like him too. But yeah I stumbled across him on YouTube and It’s superb. Mooching round the Soviet Union. To provincial towns that we would never see in a million years. While paying £6 for a room in Siberia, eating a meal for a £1. We genuinely don’t know we’re born in this country – the hardship across the world. 

Something you’ll never understand…

People not supporting their local football team.

Something you would change….

The Class system in the UK, awful how bad it is and we don’t even know half the time. Privileged people with no idea of the struggles a lot of the world have. 

Something you regret…

Ah man – genuinely so many. Relationships, selfishness and wasting time on things/people that I didn’t need to. But then i always get to the answer that it made me get to where I am now. Which is the happiest and most content I’ve ever been. So in some ways loads and in others absolutely nothing. 

Something with sharing….

As an only child I find it hard to share haha… But I’ve got better as I have got older. I think. I’ve tried to share Solar Eyes with everyone, make it something we can all go with. A trip to a mythical place.

Something worth keeping….

Your integrity. Don’t chase nonsense. Just do your thing. As Bukowski said,” Find what you love and let it kill you” and it’s true. We’ve all got something we love doing. Mine is making music, writing songs. And It will kill me.

Something that would make the world a better place….

I guess empathy, like genuine empathy. We’re all products of our environments. So it’s about understanding that. A lot of people just don’t care, but then hide it with pretence. 

Something they’ll say when your gone…

He had a right good go at life, bit Intense and liked the craic… 

Massive thanks to Solar Eyes for agreeing to be interviewed. Show you care by picking up their album on Bandcamp here.

You can also follow them on that there Instagram, should that be your thing.

Daniel Alexander Hignell-Tully.