Unwavering : Slow Digression

Meandering, down-played, mildly depressing slow-core: Unwavering excel at setting a mood. Slow Digression is the sort of track that paints such a clear picture from the outset that you can just listlessly bask in it for hours (well, 7 minutes anyway). Reverb soaked guitars strum, their palette lifted by the occasional piercing twang; vocals soar through a lo-fi haze, a dream-like euphoria.

But Slow Digression does offer an element of surprise, albeit a muted one. There, hidden amongst the haze, a rather rollicking chorus, the vocals rising above the shimmering strums to provide, if not catchy, memorable lyrics, then perhaps a minor ear-worm to sate you. Of note too, is the structure. Having presented up with some vague verse / chorus linearity, the track hits the halfway mark and dissipates into a droning wash of brushed strings and delicate, aimless patterns, a hand cautiously resting against the bridge of a guitar with little clear intention. It’s wonderful, fragile stuff, pushing the piece well beyond the limitations of the sort of abstract indie vibe it on occasion suggests.

Aside from appearing on the MEANS 3 compilation, Slow Digression makes an appearance on Unwavering’s 2023 album Song From a Tomb. Its all of equally fine quality, offering more in the same vein of washed out guitars and submerged vocals: perfect for anyone who loves their music a little abstract, and their hand a little underplayed.

Daniel Alexander Hignell-Tully